Wednesday, February 4, 2009

S.T.A.F.F.: Tradition

First let me apologize for the delay! I realize I dropped the ball in January with only two posts but I'll do better!

The second flag that hangs in the Starlight Playhouse is Tradition. When I first thought about what I was going to write about concerning Tradition my mind starting racing with all of the obvious examples. From the simple things like the first drive up the one-mile camp road, the lice checks once everyone finally arrives at camp, Camp is filled with tradition. Moss opening the Playhouse with "Ladies and Gentlemen!" or David leading "Singing in the Rain" camp music is one of the big traditions of camp. There are also the bigger events such as Olympics and Sing or Burning of the Lake and of course the SHOWS!!! But these traditions are not the traditions I want to write about because anyone can come to camp to experience these events.

I remember one of the first nights of orientation my second summer I was sitting on the softball diamonds after an AMAZING drum circle. There sat this sweet girl Haley from Utah. What struck me as odd about Haley was that somehow she was from Utah but had never seen a firefly. I WAS LIKE WAHT!?!?! So I took Haley down to the lacrosse field and there she saw her first, second, and thirtieth firefly!

Later that night some of the other counselors were back on the softball diamond throwing a frisbee when I mosied on over with my hot choco-choco-lates from the staff lounge. There they were. The Foster Twins. To this day, I still can't tell them apart and god-help me but I usually pronounce their names wrong too! But Kali and Danya will forever be known as Bear and Woodchuck to me. Why? Probably the same reason I'm Caterpillar to them.

There is this tradition at camp that doesn't have a set time. It isn't an evening activity or a week-long event. It just happens. This tradition is the miraculous bond that happens between people from all across the world who are united under the common goal of having a summer that is unlike any had before. I had never spoken to Kali, Danya or Haley before that night but I talk to them all the time now.

One of my favorite traditions that has happened all three years, are my days off. Specifically, having Alex, from Manchester, England, ride along in the car with me singing Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" or Hanson's "Mmbop." This is followed closely by the debate between Alex and I about "car parks," "torches" and how to properly pronounce "Mazda."

There are of course other traditions that happen at camp. My last two summers I would sit on my porch with my kids and just talk. If this could have been an activity period my kids and I would have done it for 6 periods a day and evening activity. The bond that grew just from sitting and talking was stronger than any activity I have done or could possibly think of.

But I think the tradition that I like the least would have to be the one that ends the seven short weeks we are all together. In my adult life I can remember crying for reals just 6 times. Five of those times were at camp and three were on the last days. It is rough knowing that for ten long months we won't be able to see the family that we've made. Lucky for me, I've been back to camp for three summers and my family just gets bigger and better after every one.

Tradition at Camp Starlight is hard to sum up because it is one of the very fibers that make it such a special place. Like I said before, the predictable traditions give camp the structure it needs to foster my favorite tradition: family.

Oh! And how could I forget the making fun of the Canadians!!!!!! EH?!


  1. Keith i love you. i love that post. and its sooooo true!!!!!!!!

  2. It is tradition to counter the stereotypical arguments made against Canadians at camp = )

    Great blog man.

  3. It's tradition for me to counter the stereotypical arguments made at CSL = )

    Great Blog, Keith.

  4. Aww Keith I absolutely love it and love you!!! You're the best Caterpillar I could ever ask for :)

  5. I doo love this one, and its so true about those twins, who really knows which is which. But either way, they are great girls, and you are a great Blogger! Keeep em comin!
    Much love.
