Sunday, June 14, 2009

Franks and Beans

Upon request I write this're welcome!

This is my 4th summer at camp and my first summer as a Division Leader. With the new responsibilities come much expected excitement as well as new found fears and anxieties. I'm thrilled to have the age group that I have and am really looking forward to the new counselors who will be part of the team to make this truly the best summer ever.

To prepare for my new role, I wanted to look back on my past Division Leaders and see what qualities they possessed that brought them to that position. I found through the three years at camp each of my different Division Leaders possessed different characteristics that helped lead the division to a very enjoyable summer.

My first summer, Bruce demostrated his knowledge that he acquired after his tenure at camp. I learned the basics from Bruce. He showed me how to have fun without crossing the line, how to be stern without instilling a sense of tyranny. Bruce gave me the necessary tools to become a better counselor, from him I take a desire to learn more about my kids because with that knowledge I can become more relatable to the kids.

My second summer was led by Tim. Tim taught me a tremendous lesson without actually trying. Tim's positive attitude in almost every situation made the most stressful situations bearable. His attention to his counselors as well as his kids showed that he truly cared. He wanted EVERYONE to have a great summer and he knew that by making sure his counselors were just as happy as his campers the summer would be smoother and thus more enjoyable. So from Tim I take a sense of enthusiasm and desire to see a great summer is had by all.

I probably gained the most from my Division Leader last summer, Hugh(bert). Having been at camp for several years, Hugh's personality was infectious. His campers and counselors knew when it was time to have fun but also when a serious attitude was needed. The ability to analyze a situation and implement a thought out plan rather than just make a knee-jerk reaction helped me develop as an Assistant Division Leader. I learned from Hugh a sense of calmness and clarity thinking needed for the position.

Obviously, my time at camp has not simply been affected by just my own division leaders but by the entire leadership at camp. I have many fears for the coming summer but I know that if I use the skills that have been given to me by predecessors. I look forward to having a successful and amazing summer. As to specifically what my fears are, well I'll keep those to myself.